JDroids 7026

Meet the Team

If you want to learn more about each member, click on their icon!


Scott Moroch

Outreach Captain

My name is Scott Moroch and I am a senior at Wayne Hills High School. This is my third year participating on the team and this year I am the outreach/engineering document coordinator for the team. Outside of robotics I enjoy studying physics and math, as well as playing basketball and volleyball. I also conduct research in nuclear physics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology where I constructed two working nuclear fusion reactors. Currently my primary focus outside of the JDroids is building a cyclotron, which is a type of circular particle accelerator designed for the acceleration of protons.

Years on the team: 3

Outreach Captain: 2016 - 2017

Co-Captain: 2015 - 2016


Kelly Wallert

Co- Captain

My name is Kelly Wallert and I am a 17 year old senior at Wayne Hills High School. My personal interests include being a Peer Minister, becoming a member of the steering committie of the NJ STEM Girls of North Jersey, sewing, playing the flute, and helping create (and leading) a team that won the Congressional App Challenge . I was introduced to the team through Anthony Tazzetto, the Captain of the JDroids, and he told me how there is an entire community around robotics. I am currently the Co- Captain of the JDroids, and using my skills in Java, HTML/CSS, VB, C++, and C# to help solve real world problems that we have when programming the robot.

Years on the team: 1

Co-Captain: 2016 - 2017

Programmer: 2016 - 2017

Project Manager: 2016 - 2017

Congressional App Team Leader: 2016 - 2017

NJ STEM Girls: 2016 - 2017

NJ STEM Girls Steering Comittee: 2016 - 2017


Anthony Tazzetto


My name is Anthony Tazzetto, and this is my sixth year with the JDroids and my fifth year as captain. I am an 18-year-old senior at Wayne Hills High School. My interests include robotics, engineering, coding, Java, bowling and spending time with my friends. I joined the JDroids because I have been interested in robotics since I was young, and always wanted to build robots. My career objective is mechanical engineering with a concentration/minor on robotics.

Years on the team: 7

Captain: - 2017

Builder: - 2017

CAD: - 2017


Tim Tullio

Design Captain

My name is Timothy Tullio and this is my second year on the JDroids team. Currently I’m in my senior year at Wayne Hills High School, where my favorite courses are robotics and computer aided design. Some of my many interests are throwing shot put, discus, and javelin for the Wayne Hills track team. Outside of school and robotics, I enjoy boy scouts, hiking, biking and camping. Within robotics my preferred subjects are mechanical engineering and 3d printing, but I am willing to learn as much as I can from all aspects of this experience. I would like to land in the career field of mechanical engineering with a primary basis in robotics.

Years on the team: 2

Design Captain: 2016 - 2017

Builder: - 2017

CAD: - 2017

Design: - 2017

Driver: - 2017


Arush Shah

Programming Captain

My name is Arush Shah and I'm a senior at the Bergen County Academies. I love to code and build things in my free time and I joined the JDroids just for those reasons. I'm the captain of programming on the team this year and I work on the autonomy of the robot along with Sruthi, Sakshi, Sangjun, and Kelly. Some of my skills include Java, Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, C, and 6502 assembly. I love to write algorithms and logic to solve real world problems. I'm looking forward to this season because there is a large focus on autonomous this year and I'm excited to compete.

Years on the team: 2

Programming Captain: 2016 - 2017

Programmer: 2015 - 2017

Web Master: 2015 - 2016

Driver Coach: - 2017


Carly Jeon

Marketer and Graphics Designer

My name is Carly Jeon and I am a 17-year-old junior at Wayne Hills High School. My personal interests include drawing, theatre arts, and playing the piano and ukulele. My brother, a JDroids Alum, introduced me to the team. I hope to learn more about robotics and engineering through this team, and to contribute with my artistic interests. My experience with FIRST and JDroids will also help me to develop the methodical mindset one required for a career in graphic design.

Years on the team: 3

Marketing: - 2017

Graphics: - 2017


Sruthi Soorian


My name is Sruthi Soorian and I am 16 years old. I am currently a junior at Wayne Valley High School. This is my second year participating in the First Tech Challenge. I've always been interested in computers and programming ever since I was younger and I hope to major in Computer Science later in college. Joining the JDroids was my introduction to robotics and I enjoy every minute of being on the team. Other than robotics, my other hobbies include singing, piano, and tennis.

Years: 2

Programmer: 2015 - 2017

Congressional App Team Memeber: 2016 - 2017

NJ STEM Girls: 2016 - 2017

NJ STEM Girls Steering Comittee: 2016 - 2017


Sangjun Ko

Treasurer, programmer

My name is Sangjun Ko, and I am a junior attending Wayne Hills High School. I had prior experience with JDroids back when I was a part of the Science Bowl Team. Back then, I focused mainly in the mathematics part because mathematics was, and still is, my main interest. I then went into a 3-year hiatus, and a few months Anthony asked me if I wanted to join again as programmer. So here I am now, back with many new people, and I hope to learn and experience much more about robotics and engineering.

Years on the team: 1

Programmer: 2016 - 2017

Treasure: 2016 - 2017

Congressional App Challenge Team: 2016 - 2017

JDroids Science Bowl Team: -


Lorenzo Cinelli

Electrical Engineer & Builder

My name is Lorenzo Cinelli and this is my second year on team JDroids. I am 16 years old, and a junior at Wayne Hills High School. My interests include engineering, inventing and building, biking, and bowling. I joined and stayed on the JDROIDS robotics team because robotics and engineering appeal to me greatly. I have gained a strong interest in robotics, and have been building projects in my garage since I was only nine years old. Joining a private robotics team would further increase my interests in robotics and engineering, while teaching me valuable lessons. My future career would be in the field of electrical engineering.

Years on the team: 2

Builder: 2015 - 2017

Electrical Engineer: 2015 - 2017

CAD: 2015 - 2017


Jacob Luk

Mechanical Engineer and Builder

My name is Jacob Lukowiak and I am a 16-year- old junior in Wayne Hills High School. My interests include, history, novels, engineering, and video games. I hope to learn how to better design, plant, build, and study during my time on the team. With the experience I gain from FIRST I hope to get a degree in mechanical engineering, with a specialization in robotics.

Years on the team: 1

Builder: 2016 - 2017

CAD: 2016 - 2017


Jacob Kessler


My name is Jacob Kessler and I am a 16-year- old junior at Wayne Hills High School. From an early age I had a strong interest in building and was fascinated with just how things work. My interest of both mechanical engineering and computer programming has made my latest involvement with the JDROIDS team a perfect fit. This year, I look forward to take Java and Cad courses as I continue to develop my interest in the mechanical engineering field. When I am not playing video games or watching YouTube tutorials with my friends, I am skiing “black-diamond” ski trails as much as possible.

Years on the team: 2

Builder: 2015 - 2017


Ashley Kibel

Mechanical Engineer and Builder

My name is Ashley Kibel and I am a 13-year-old 8th grader at George Washington Middle School. My personal interests include drawing, dancing, and building robots. The Wayne Town Public Library introduced me to team JDroids. I hope to learn more about robotics and engineering through this team, and to contribute with my creative ideas. My experience with FIRST and JDroids will also help me to develop the methodical mindset one required for a career in graphic design.

Years on the team: 1

Builder: 2016 - 2017

Artist: 2016 - 2017


Daniel Siuffe

Electrical Engineer & Builder

My name is Daniel Siuffe and I am a 13-year-old 8th grade student at Schuyler Colfax middle school. Some of my interests include robots, computers, cars, mobile technology, Mountain bikes, soccer, mathematics, playing the saxophone, and technology is general. I joined JDroids because I always had an interest in robots and knew there was a team but never actually got serious until a presentation at the library gave me more information about the team. JDroids will definitely help me in future as a mechanical engineer.

Years on the team: 1

Builder: 2016 - 2017

Electrical Engineer: 2016 - 2017


Demetri Giotis

Mechanical Engineer and Builder

My name is Demetri Giotis and I am a 13 year-old 8th grader at Anthony Wayne Middle School. My personal interests include playing trumpet and pursuing my goal of becoming an Eagle Scout. I hope this team can increase my knowledge of robotics. I joined because of my personal interest in the topic. I hope to learn how to design/build a robot and increase my knowledge and interest of robotics.

Years on the team: 1

Mechanical Engineer: 2016 - 2017

Builder: 2016 - 2017


Sakshi Lende


My name is Sakshi Lende and I am a 13-year-old 8th grader at Anthony Wayne Middle School. My personal interests include painting, reading, community service, playing flute and piano. I joined the team because I saw them and was inspired by them in a library outreach event. I hope to learn more about programming and to increase my knowledge of Java.

Years on the team: 1

Programmer: 2016 - 2017

NJ STEM Girls: 2016 -2017

Getting involved with STEM

Our mission is to energize students of all ages in Wayne and nearby communities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. We seek to inspire students to create teams in the nearby middle and high schools in the FIRST robotics competitions and benefit from the invaluable skills we have developed from our experiences with FIRST.


We have established connection with Maker Depot, a tech startup in Totowa, NJ. The founders Mike Franchino and Frank Cornaccuhilo were pleased to hear that we shared their passion for scicence and engineering. They have graciously provided a meeting space in their facility. We are very pleased have their valuable engineering guidance as we delve in to. the next season.

Maker Depot, 2015 - 2017

We coordinated with our local Jersey Mike�s Subs to hold a fundraised benefitting our team. We plan to hold multiple fundraisers over the course of the season. We are very thankful to Matt Catania of Jersey Mikes who was very generours in helping us reach our fundaraising goals.

Jersey Mikes, 2015 - 2016

We reached to the neighborhood to support us through social media and through the local newspapers. Everyone has been very generous, we raised close to $1500 through three events.We reached to the neighborhood to support us through social media and through the local newspapers. Everyone has been very generous, we raised close to $1500 through three events.

Wayne Township, 2013 - 2017

We applied for a grant through NRG Energy to raise five thousand dollars.

NRG, 2016 - 2017

We applied for a grant through Traveler�s Insurance to raise one thousand five hundred dollars.

Travelers Insurance, 2015 - 2017

On December 9th, the JDroids received a $1000 grant from BAE Systems. We are thankful for their gracious donation.

BAE Systems, 2015 - 2017

Wayne, New Jersey 07470

Contact us at JDroids7026@gmail.com
