About Our Mentors 2017 Season 4

Narmada Krishnaswamy

Alternate Coach, Team Manager

Narmada works as a Technical Product Manager for KPMG currently with an IT experience of 20+ years. She along with her husband Bala Kasi, created JDroids teams in 2010. This is her 7th year of coaching FIRST teams and fourth year of coaching JDroids FTC team. Narmada coaches the JDroids team on Programming and Team Building aspects.

Eugene Tazzetto

Head Coach

Eugene Tazzetto has been licensed to practice law in NJ since 1983. He has worked for a multi-national corporation and has been involved in process engineering and project management. Eugene has also worked to develop software for a quality assessment application and a legal case management system. He also coaches an FLL team and enjoys working with JDroids members to manage, coordinate and promote the JDroids.

Mike Franchino

Computer Engineer & Maker Depot Owner

Michael Franchino is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology studying business and computer engineering. He has worked as systems analyst for over 25 years at Custom Systems Corporation of Sparta, NJ and is one of three principals. Having worked for large manufacturing companies in integrating their business and manufacturing systems, he turned his attention to providing a place for all people young and old to come together and create. In June of 2015, he was proud to be named a mentor to the JDroids (#7026) FTC robotic team and has hosted their weekly build meetings while helping them overcome numerous engineering obstacles.

Frank Cornacchiulo

Computer Science Professor & Maker Depot Owner

Frank Cornacchiulo , a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology, brings his 25 years of experience as a software developer and project manager in the financial industry to the JDroids. He is the owner and operator of Maker Depot a makerspace in Totowa, NJ. Frank’s educational experience includes work as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Lehman College – CUNY for 5 years. Throughout his experience, Frank has gathered material and research to understand how the technology industry is changing and its direction going forward. Frank brought his Java expertise to the JDroids and helped the team learn the new coding for the new system.

Bala Kasi

Mechanical Engineering Mentor

Bala works as a Technical Consulting Manager at BASF Corporation and has over 26 years of experience in software development. This is Bala's 7th year of working with FIRST programs and fourth year of mentoring the JDroids FTC team on robot building topics. Bala also volunteers as an NJ FTC Referee.

Stanley Szczepanski

Stanley Szczepanski spent his entire 45 year professional career in machine shops and workshops creating many machines and devices. He first learned to weld and work with sheet metal while working in his uncle’s machine shop. Later, he studied electronics at RETS in Newark where he learned to wire circuit boards. He was employed in various machine shops and businesses where he was a foreman overseeing circuit boards, as well as an inspector of machine repairs. Stanley last worked as an instrument maker for Honeywell where he built, wired and maintained cockpit displays for aircraft. He retired in 2009 and is now part of the Maker Movement in New Jersey when we were fortunate to meet him at Maker Depot. We thank Stanly for his mentorship and guidance!

Frederick (Rick) Wallert

Programming Mentor

Rick works for NRG Energy, Inc. as Director of FP&A Systems. He possesses 20+ years of experience in both IT & Finance areas, and also maintains a Certified Financial Manager (CFM) designation. Rick’s areas of expertise include multidimensional OLAP modeling, data governance, applications development, analytics, business analysis and full systems implementations. This is his 1st year as a FIRST mentor.

Regina Kibel

Engineering Mentor

Regina works as a interior/exterior home designer for a construction and real estate company for 15+ years. Also building custom made furniture and installations for her clients. In addition her other passions are designing and sewing custom renaissance, medieval gowns and making jewelry. This is her first year as a volunteer mentor for the JDroids FTC team. Regina helps with the design and the building aspects of the robot.

Thomas Tullio

Graphics Design Mentor

Tom works as a Pre-press Manager for Inwork Inc. with 26 years experience in Grapic arts. Tom joined the JDroids last year with his son Tim. Tom provides coaching in team branding and assists in providing ideas on the building aspects of the robot.

Getting involved with STEM

Our mission is to energize students of all ages in Wayne and nearby communities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. We seek to inspire students to create teams in the nearby middle and high schools in the FIRST robotics competitions and benefit from the invaluable skills we have developed from our experiences with FIRST.


Helping out with OASIS.


One of our parent mentors, Joanna Tazzetto, came with the team to help support underserved startup FTC teams at OASIS.

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Years: 2016 - 2017

Captain: Anthony Tazzetto

Co-Captain: Kelly Wallert

Outreach Captain: Scott Moroch

Design Captain: Tim Tullio

Programming Captain: Arush Shah

Narmada, Sakshi, and Kelly

Narmada, Kelly, Sakshi

Liberty Science Center

Narmada and the Stem Girls at the LSC Qualifier

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Years: 2016 - 2017

Captain: Anthony Tazzetto

Co-Captain: Kelly Wallert

Outreach Captain: Scott Moroch

Design Captain: Tim Tullio

Programming Captain: Arush Shah

Ashley and Regina

Mother and Daughter

Liberty Science Center Qualifier

One of our Engineering Mentors Regina with her daughter Ashley.

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Years: 2016 - 2017

Captain: Anthony Tazzetto

Co-Captain: Kelly Wallert

Outreach Captain: Scott Moroch

Design Captain: Tim Tullio

Programming Captain: Arush Shah

Rick and Jim

Jim and Rick

Liberty Science Center Qualifier
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Years: 2016 - 2017

Captain: Anthony Tazzetto

Co-Captain: Kelly Wallert

Outreach Captain: Scott Moroch

Design Captain: Tim Tullio

Programming Captain: Arush Shah

Stanley and Narmada

Stanley and Naramada

Working with mentors Stanley and Narmada on the robot.

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Years: 2016 - 2017

Captain: Anthony Tazzetto

Co-Captain: Kelly Wallert

Outreach Captain: Scott Moroch

Design Captain: Tim Tullio

Programming Captain: Arush Shah

Portfolio Image

State Preparation

Script Practice

Practicing for scripts before states with our help from our mentors Narmada and Regina.

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Years: 2016 - 2017

Captain: Anthony Tazzetto

Co-Captain: Kelly Wallert

Outreach Captain: Scott Moroch

Design Captain: Tim Tullio

Programming Captain: Arush Shah


We have established connection with Maker Depot, a tech startup in Totowa, NJ. The founders Mike Franchino and Frank Cornaccuhilo were pleased to hear that we shared their passion for scicence and engineering. They have graciously provided a meeting space in their facility. We are very pleased have their valuable engineering guidance as we delve in to. the next season.

Maker Depot, 2015 - 2017

We coordinated with our local Jersey Mike�s Subs to hold a fundraised benefitting our team. We plan to hold multiple fundraisers over the course of the season. We are very thankful to Matt Catania of Jersey Mikes who was very generours in helping us reach our fundaraising goals.

Jersey Mikes, 2015 - 2016

We reached to the neighborhood to support us through social media and through the local newspapers. Everyone has been very generous, we raised close to $1500 through three events.We reached to the neighborhood to support us through social media and through the local newspapers. Everyone has been very generous, we raised close to $1500 through three events.

Wayne Township, 2013 - 2017

We applied for a grant through NRG Energy to raise five thousand dollars.

NRG, 2016 - 2017

We applied for a grant through Traveler's Insurance to raise one thousand five hundred dollars.

Travelers Insurance, 2015 - 2017

On December 9th, the JDroids received a $1000 grant from BAE Systems. We are thankful for their gracious donation.

BAE Systems, 2015 - 2017

Wayne, New Jersey 07470
